Mission and Values
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Mission and Values
The symbiosis between man and nature could be achieved through a “business” approach and it is our vocation to implement sustainable solutions to environmental problems in Bulgaria

Mission and Values

We are aware of the acuteness of the environmental protection problem on a regional and global scale. We believe that the symbiosis between man and nature could be achieved through a “business” approach and it is our vocation to implement sustainable solutions to current ecological problems. In addition, we aim at making those solutions economically justified for our clients and us.

We also understand that the increasing levels of waste is a serious issue which can be optimally resolved only by recovery/recycling. We have decided to invest and reinvest in successful business models which make rational use of the scarce natural resources and lessen the negative impact of human activity on the environment. That’s why we offer a large number of affordable options for waste management to our clients so that everyone can actively participate in the recycling process thus actively contributing to environmental protection.

Mission and Values
Varna, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 52 694 600
Fax +359 52 694 800
Shumen, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 54 88 22 15
Fax +359 54 88 22 13
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 898 562 834
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