Our corporate clients are consulted by our team of specialists operating in the field of environmental protection - engineer chemists, environmental preservation engineers, ecologists, an agriculturist, hydro engineer, as well as a legal advisor in environmental law. Our staff expertly deals with pre-project surveys and implementation of all types of projects, preparation of expert evaluations and application for specific activities’ permits to be issued by state and municipal administrations. We also provide sanctions prevention as well as appeals against sanctions already applied. You can rely on our competent advice when you need to transpose European ecological legislation into Bulgarian law.
Our experts are experienced not only in consulting, related to prevention, but also in implementing and development of program and regulatory documents as follows:
- Training and certificates in the area of environmental protection;
- Internal monitoring of ecological systems:
- Installations’ working capacity and scope and purpose of permits
- Chemical compounds and preparations
- Waste
- Working environment
- Permits
- Impact on environmental components:
- Waters;
- Atmospheric air;
- Soils;
- Landscape;
- Biodiversity.
- Environmental management consulting:
- Structure and responsibilities
- Training
- Information exchange
- Documentation and reporting;
- Prevention and control of emergency situations;
- Use of resources:
- Water consumption /measurement, documentation, reporting/;
- Energy consumption /measurement, documentation, reporting/;
- Use of raw materials, materials and fuels /use, storage, measurement, documentation and reporting/;
- Resources consumption optimization;
- Best available techniques (BAT);
- Air pollution emissions into the atmosphere:
- Operation and control of purification equipment;
- Hot-spot/blind-spot emissions;
- Occasional/Random emissions;
- Self-monitoring;
- Documentation and reporting;
- Waste water discharge;
- Operation and control of purification equipment;
- Wastewater discharge standards – individual emission limits;
- Self monitoring;
- Documentation and reporting;
- Waste management:
- Waste formation;
- Waste collection and submission;
- Temporary storage of waste;
- Waste transportation(including ADR);
- Waste utilization/recovery, processing and recycling;
- Waste neutralization/disposal;
- Control and measurement of waste;
- Waste analysis;
- Documentation and reporting;
- Noise levels /emissions, control and measurement/;
- Soils and subsurface waters protection from contamination:
- Self-monitoring of subsurface waters;
- Documentation and reporting;
- Transitional and abnormal working modes;
- Full or partial close-down of the installations' operation;
- Energy efficiency (EE);
- EE study;
- Auditing;
- Documentation and reporting;
- Industry's Best available techniques (BAT);
- Fire and emergency safety regulations and practices;
- Laboratory analyses and monitoring;
- Consultancy in the area of occupational health and safety;
- Preparation of OHS (Occupational Health and Safety) file;
- Preparation of instructions and instructional materials;
- Preparation of job specifications;
- Training of persons operating high-risk facilities (HRF);
- Training for acquisition of qualification;
- Training on HS (Health Safety) in a working environment;
- HACCP system consulting;
- Offering technical solutions for optimization of production and energy systems;
- Drawing up and compiling of project files and investment proposals files within the scope of the EPA /Environmental protection act/ up to obtaining the permit by the Regional inspectorate of environment and water (RIEW) and/or Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW).
- Application and participation in all stages of the procedure for issuing a Comprehensive permit;
- Issues subject of national ecological legislation;
- Issues subject of European ecological legislation;
- Appeals against applied administrative and penalty sanctions ;
In addition, we offer our clients the following consulting and project services:
- Project documentation for submission of requests for issuing of permits for water collection (hydrological reports, projects for extraction and projects of sanitary and protection areas);
- Project documentation for submission of requests for issuing of permits for waste water discharge;
- Preparation of a full package of documents and reporting of compliance with conditions for water collection permits;
- Development of plans for self-monitoring, monitoring of waste waters, air monitoring, monitoring of soils and waste management programs;
- Preparation and implementation of environmental management systems – a package of instructions required under the terms for comprehensive permits, preparation of annual reports;
- Designing and construction of monitoring centres for subsurface waters (piezometers);
- Preparation of information (request) for evaluation of the necessity of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) according to Appendix 2 to par. 6 of the Ordinance on the conditions and manner of performing environmental impact assessment for investment proposals for construction, activities and technologies;
- Evaluation of the environmental impact of various sites: drawing up EIA reports;
- Evaluation of compatibility of investment proposals and plants with protected areas under NATURA 2000;
- Preparation of Ecological Assessments (EA).
In brief our team of specialists will provide assistance and expert help on:
- Applying for permission regimes;
- Preparation of project documentation;
- Analytical activity;
- Monitoring ;
- All issues related to environmental management, occupational health and safety.