Our team offers its Bulgarian clients comprehensive, ecological and legally compliant solution to any waste-related issue. ECOMAX experts:
The solutions we will offer you are entirely compliant with current national and European legal framework in the area of management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.
Any legal entity can be our client – private companies, municipalities, non-governmental organizations, etc.
On the basis of the specifics, EWC code and quantity of waste generated by our clients, it can be either recovered in our own installations or submitted for disposal/recovery to appropriate installations in Bulgaria or abroad.
Our team can assist you in the treatment of all types/EWC codes of waste.
After we receive your written inquiry the process of reception and subsequent management of manufacturing waste generated by our clients happens as follows:
Throughout the years we have adjusted and upgraded our infrastructure by purchasing specialized equipment and know-how for recovery of hazardous waste. In this regard we currently recover some of the most common types/EWC codes of hazardous waste in our own installations in Bulgaria, such as:
15 01 10* – Packages containing residue of hazardous substances or contaminated with hazardous substances
15 02 02* – Absorbents, filtering materials (including oil filters not mentioned elsewhere), towels for wiping of protective clothing contaminated with hazardous substances
16 01 07* – Oil filters
16 05 04* – Gases in pressurized containers (including halons) containing hazardous substances etc.
Regardless of your location in Bulgaria or abroad, if you generate hazardous or non-hazardous waste, you need to forward for subsequent ecological and legally compliant treatment, don't hesitate to contact us.