Management of medical and biological waste
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of medical and biological waste
The solutions we will offer you are entirely compliant with current national and European legislation in the area of management of medical and biological waste

Management of medical and biological waste

Activities related to medical and biological waste are handled by our subsidiary – BIOLINX Ltd.

BIOLINX is a private company specialized in collection, transportation and submission for neutralization of hazardous, industrial, medical and biological waste. All private persons and legal entities can become our clients – companies, hospitals, multi-speciality clinics, medical and dental practices, laboratories, veterinary offices and generally any type of business generating medical and biological waste in Bulgaria. BIOLINX offers its clients comprehensive, ecological and legally compliant solution to any biological waste issue. Our experts:

  • store, package, label industrial, medical, biological waste and waste medicine;
  • transport /weighing, loading, transporting/ industrial, medical, biological waste and waste medicine;
  • submit accumulated industrial, medical and biological hazardous and non-hazardous waste to suitable installations for neutralization countrywide and abroad;
  • compile the necessary documentation related to the treatment of industrial, medical and biological waste;
  • provide legal assistance and consultancy with regards to any question related to the management of generated hazardous and non-hazardous production waste.


The solutions we will offer you are entirely compliant with current national and European legislation in the area of management of hazardous, industrial, medical and biological waste.

Here are the two ways you can become our client:

  • Subscription which can be contracted on a three-month, six-month or yearly basis giving you the opportunity to benefit from discount prices and additional bonuses;
  • Waste reception/clearance upon request. You submit the waste according to a fee agreed upon in advance by phone or email; the fee is based on a rate per kilogram or cubic meter depending on your preferences.


The necessary documentation is submitted upon the waste reception – identification document, protocol of reception, contract, weighing note and invoice. If needed, BIOLINX offers its clients properly labelled containers for temporary waste storage(consumables provided as well).

Management of medical and biological waste
Madical and biological waste process
Packing and marking of medical and biological waste and discarded pharmaceuticals.
Medical and biological waste and discarded pharmaceuticals.
of generated waste to suitable installations for disposal in Bulgaria and abroad.
Preparation of the full required documentation and reporting.
Varna, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 52 694 600
Fax +359 52 694 800
Shumen, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 54 88 22 15
Fax +359 54 88 22 13
Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel. +359 898 562 834
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